Monday, September 23, 2024

Superman Super Library #39

 KG Murray's Superman Super Library #39 was published c.August 1967:

As per the established pattern for this series, the cover is drawn from the splash page to the lead story:

Also as per the established pattern, the stories in this issue are reformatted for the digest-sized edition and recycled from previously published KG Murray issues. The three stories in this issue are as follows:

The Girls in Superman's Life!, originally published in Superman #78, September-October 1952, previously published in Super Adventure Comic #47.

Superman's Super Hold-Up!, originally published in World's Finest Comics #59, July 1952, and previously published in Super Adventure Comic #42.

Superman's Secret Workshop, originally published in Superman #81, March-April 1953, and previously published in Super Adventure Comic #46.

A one -page Casey the Cop filler strip appears on the inside rear cover which originally appeared in Superboy #109, December 1963. I have not identified an earlier printing of this in a KG Murray comic.

The date code on the rear cover advertisement is KGMSSL867. My copy is also stamped 22 SEP 1967.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Dating Terror Tales Album #13

This is the cover to my copy of Terror Tales Album #13:

If you look closely right between the eyes of the axe you can see it is date stamped 7 APR 1980. This publication date was reinforced by another copy I was privy to which had a 7 written on the cover.

This morning I spotted a copy of this issue listed on eBay which includes a closeup of the rear cover:

As you can see this appears to have two dates - a 7 circled, denoting July as the final on-sale date, and 21/3, presumably the on-sale date. This date is over two weeks earlier than the date on my copy. I assume this difference relates to a lag in distribution and newsagency processing.

I guess this means that even verified dates of such Australian reprint comics must, to some degree, always be deemed contingent on further information or data. It doesn't mean I'll stop trying to get this right, but it does remind me once again of the essentially Sisyphean nature of this project.

And so, to work.