Monday, April 13, 2020

Superman Supacomic #150 and Colossal Comic #17: Adams and Amos

Colour Comics' Superman Supacomic #150 was published c.February 1972:

This is one of the most famous Neal Adams covers, originally appearing on the cover of Superman #233:

But you may not know there was an Australian precursor to this iconic image:

The cover to Colossal Comic #17 is by Hart Amos, published by K.G. Murray c.April 1961

Now, I'm not saying it's a conscious swipe - I seriously doubt Adams knew of a 10-year-old comic published in Australia - but I am asserting the similarities begin with the pose and the breaking of chains, and extend to the radiating glow. 

And Australian readers of Superman Supacomic in 1971 may well have recalled the earlier image from Colossal Comic #17.


MarcusB said...

Actually, the image of Superman breaking chains with his chest goes back a lot further. I believe it first appeared as a small inset illustration (by Joe Shuster) on the cover of Action Comics #12 (1939), and after that regularly appeared on the cover of Action comics, usually in the top left hand corner. A larger version of the image was also used as the back cover of Superman #1 (also in 1939).

spiros xenos said...

Yes! I know the one you mean, Marcus. I should have referenced it. It slipped my mind - thanks!