Sunday, October 4, 2020

Σπάιντερ Μαν: A few Greek Spider-Man comics

According to the GCD there have been a few ongoing Spider-Man series published in Greece but by far the longest-running series is Kabana Hella's Σπάιντερ Μαν 1977-1992.

I've dipped my toes into this series and have just a few issues. One of these is the Greek edition of the first Todd McFarlane Spider-Man comic.

This is the cover to Kabanas Hellas' Σπάιντερ Μαν #470:

This is from Marvel Comics' The Amazing Spider-Man #298:

Poor ol' Chance's head is covered by the Greek masthead.

The title of the story is, as per the cover, Chance Encounter! 

The Greek version literally translates as Death Collection:

The Chance story continues in The Amazing Spider-Man #299:

According to the GCD, the Kabanas Hellas edition - or at least, the cover - was published as Σπάιντερ Μαν #482:

Once again, poor ol' Chance's head is covered by the masthead.

I can confirm this story - Survival of the Hittest! - was published by Kabana Hellas a few issues earlier in Σπάιντερ Μαν #479:

This cover originally appeared on Marvel Comics' The Incredible Hulk #128:

This is the splash page to [Survival of the Hittest!] in Σπάιντερ Μαν #479:

The story title in this edition loosely translates as A Fearsome Surprise. This is closer to Chance Encounter rather than to Survival of the Hittest. Indeed, I suspect that the idiomatic pun of the latter proved too difficult to translate effectively, so it was replaced by a translation of Chance Encounter from the first part of the story, and that first part became Death Collection.

I also have a copy of Σπάιντερ Μαν #484:

The cover is from Marvel Comics' The Amazing Spider-Man #301. The lead feature is from Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man #113.

These issues are digest-sized. They lead with a Spider-Man feature and also contain two other Marvel stories. Some issues include posters, letters pages and other assorted featurettes.

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