Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Avengers #1: The Yaffa edition

 Page Publications' The Avengers #1 was published c.September 1977:

The cover is recoloured and slightly modified from Marvel Comics' The Avengers #2:

The colouring decisions are notable - Iron Man is intentionally albeit crudely altered to his red and yellow suit, Giant-Man is rather bizarrely clad in blue, pink and white, and most interestingly, the colouring of the central figure exchanges the focus on the Space Phantom on the original cover for the Hulk.

The contents:

[The Coming of the Avengers!] The Avengers Earth's Mightiest Super-Heroes! , originally published in The Avengers #1, September 1963 
The Avengers! Battle... the Space Phantom, originally published in The Avengers #2, November 1963 
The Avengers Meet... Sub-Mariner!, originally published in The Avengers #3, January 1964 

The Coming of the Avengers! is the title of the origin story in The Avengers #1. Here's a pic of the front cover and the splash page as reprinted in Essential Avengers Vol. 1, Third edition Second printing, 2011:

The Yaffa printing omits the splash page and consequently the story title, and begins with a modified version of the front cover, effectively instituting a new title for the origin story:

Page 13 of this story is also omitted from the Yaffa print. There are other minor modifications, such as amending the reference to a previous Marvel issue.

The Space Phantom story is reprinted mostly complete and intact - apart from the omissions of the job number on the splash page and the Next Issue blurb on the final panel. I note the Next Issue promo ad featuring Sub-Mariner is also not included. 

The Submariner reprint includes the job number and references to other Marvel issues, however the page count has been reduced - it is missing pages 6, 10, 19 and 22 - and the Next Issue blurb has been omitted. The absence of these pages is somewhat compensated by the reprinting of the cover to The Avengers #3 on the inner front cover sans trade dress:

Yaffa recycled this issue as The Avengers #10 in 1982:

This edition is cover-priced $1.10 and is identical to The Avengers #1, apart from the indicia and the inner rear and rear covers, which are blank in lieu of the advertising in The Avengers #1.

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