Friday, August 25, 2017

All Star Adventure Comic: The collection completed!

In 2008 I owned 86 issues of All Star Adventure Comic. It has taken 10 years to source the 10 issues I needed to complete the series, and the issue which has finally completed my run is All Star Adventure Comic #46:

There are certain issues I would like to upgrade, but by and large it's a collection which is in very reasonable condition. There is one issue which is incomplete - it is missing the four pages in the middle of the comic - but I also have a coverless copy of it rebound in an issue of Mammoth Annual, so I'm deeming it complete for my immediate purposes.

All Star Adventure Comic morphed into Superman Presents Superboy Comic with the 97th issue - in tandem with the second Planet Comics logo - and I have the complete run of that series too.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Marvel's Greatest Comics #1: The Yaffa edition

Further to my previous posts on this series, I now have my own copy of Marvel's Greatest Comics #1:

The splash pages for the stories are scanned below:

Note the references at the bottom of each splash page to the original source of the reprint. 

Heart to Heart Annual and Twin Hearts Annual

Longtime readers of this blog know of my love of compilations of coverless rebound comics - long-running K.G. Murray series such as Mammoth Annual and Gigantic Annual, but also short-run series such as Young Love Romances, and one-off issues such as Scary Stories Annual and All Love Romantic Stories.

So it was with pleasure and fascination that I recently came across two other such series from K.G. Murray which I had not been aware of: Heart to Heart Annual and Twin Hearts Annual. I don't know how they managed to escape my attention until now, given they were documented on - in the case of Heart to Heart Annual almost 10 years ago! - but they did.

The interesting thing about these issues is they are compilations of digest-sized issues. It's the only such series of digest-sized issues that I'm aware of. 

My copies are as follows:

 Heart to Heart Annual #2, $0.30 cover price
Heart to Heart Romance Library #155
Unidentified [cover story Clinging Vine]
Twin Hearts #156, April 1971

Twin Hearts Annual #1, $0.30 cover price
Heart to Heart Romance Library #165
Heart to Heart Romance Library #164
Twin Hearts #167

As per, these issues appear to have been published end of 1972.

I would love to find that there is a companion edition related to another K.G. Murray digest-sized series, Superman Super Library - but there ain't.

There are a few other such series of coverless rebound comics published in Australia. I've even taken to picking up editions of the U.K Double Double series of silver age comics. I'll review some of my editions in a future post.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Magic Moment Romances #76: Reach for Happiness Episode 26

Magic Moment Romances #76 was published circa January 1970:

The cover is sourced from Secret Hearts #135.

The cover story is Reach for Happiness Episode 26. This is a long-running serial with an interesting history.

The first episode was reprinted in Australia in Magic Moment Romances #55. I'm not sure if all instalments were reprinted in Australian editions.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Navy Action Library #2

Yaffa's War in the Navy #2 was reprinted as Navy Action Library #2:

The Unknown Warriors in triplicate, Chatto style

I recently mentioned in passing that Yaffa's War at Sea #1 was later reprinted by Yaffa as Navy Battle Library #2:

Published in between these two issues was yet another reprint of "The Unknown Warriors":

Navy Warfare #3 also features a Chatto cover. No doubt the swipe source will be identified in good time.

Update 17 December 2024: The Unknown Warriors was also published in Navy Battle Library #1 under another Chatto cover:


Monday, August 14, 2017

Two Chatto covers for War in the Navy

Here's a couple of cover scans of the first two issues in Yaffa's War in the Navy series:

This is a digest-sized series, and both covers are illustrated by Keith Chatto.

The third issue in the series is a reprint of the first issue with a new Chatto cover. A cover scan and information is available on

Sunday, August 13, 2017

All Love Romantic Stories #'s 6, 17 and 26

And speaking of issues dropping into the Junkyard, here's three issues of All Love Romantic Stories which have come my way over the last few weeks:

All Love Romantic Stories #6

All Love Romantic Stories #17

All Love Romantic Stories #26

I wasn't chasing these with any great intent but they were within reach whilst I was hunting the main game, so figured I'd snag them. It's not like they turn up when you're looking for them, so may as well claim them when they do come up for air.

Marvel Team-up #9: Bonus date stamp bonus!

Hot on the heels of my date-stamped copy of the Yaffa edition of The Invincible Iron Man #9 comes this copy of Marvel Team-Up #9:

This copy is also date-stamped June 1982.

So now my gallery of Yaffa's Marvel Team-Up is incomplete, as is my collection - I must have #8! - but I gotta say I love discovering 'new' Australian reprint comics.