Sunday, June 27, 2021

Kid Colt Outlaw #6: The Yaffa editions

Page Publications' digest-sized Kid Colt Outlaw #6 was published c.October 1981:

The cover is from Marvel Comics' Kid Colt Outlaw #167:

The contents of this issue are full reprints of Kid Colt Outlaw #'s 165-167. These issues reprinted Kid Colt features and other western stories from the 1950's. This issue includes black and white reprints of the covers from Kid Colt Outlaw #'s 165-166.  One page from these stories is omitted in the Yaffa edition - the opening page to the untitled story in Kid Colt Outlaw #166. Presumably the lack of a title page was the reason this chosen as the sacrificial page due to page limitations and the desire to include the cover of Kid Colt Outlaw #166. I note that the rear page of this issue is blank, so there was scope to include the missing page in this edition.

Page Publications published another Kid Colt Outlaw #6:

The cover of this issue is from Marvel Comics' Kid Colt Outlaw #168. Presumably the contents of this issue are drawn from Kid Colt Outlaw #'s 168-170. TBC.

This is not the first instance of issue numbering errors for this series. A few years ago I mused on the unnumbered fifth issue Kid Colt Outlaw. Clearly something went awry as far as this series is concerned.

So, the second Kid Colt Outlaw #6 is the 7th issue in the series. I have not seen a copy of #8 (the cover scan on AusReprints of #8 is actually a scan of #6). I assume the cover and contents to Kid Colt Outlaw #8 will be from Kid Colt Outlaw #'s 171-173. I do not think this will be a recycled issue because Kid Colt #9 is a reprint of Kid Colt Outlaw #1, and when Yaffa recycled issues within a series they tended to do so chronologically. But who knows - it might well end up being unnumbered, or otherwise incorrectly numbered. We shall see.

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