Some time ago someone asked me which Australian series and issues reprinted Jack Kirby’s The Demon series. I knew I’d seen some in various issues of Doomsday Album, and could also summon up in my mind's eye some Batman and The Demon team-ups in Batman Albums, but at the time could not say for sure which issues to chase down for a set of reprints of the original series.
I've now completed my run of Doomsday Album, and can at least confirm that the first 8 issues of The Demon were reprinted in Doomsday Album #’s 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17 and 19. Even though the Doomsday Album issue numbers skip a few beats to get there, The Demon issues are reprinted in sequence.
The Doomsday Album series ended with #19 (well, I haven’t seen any higher numbered issues, so until another turns up…), and I’m unaware of any other reprints of The Demon series in other K.G. Murray series, so it’s possible that only these 8 issues were reprinted, leaving the balance of 8 issues on the shelf. Then again, it’s also possible there are more scattered around in various other K.G. Murray series such as Terror Tales Album, or any number of one-shots.
I've now completed my run of Doomsday Album, and can at least confirm that the first 8 issues of The Demon were reprinted in Doomsday Album #’s 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17 and 19. Even though the Doomsday Album issue numbers skip a few beats to get there, The Demon issues are reprinted in sequence.
The Doomsday Album series ended with #19 (well, I haven’t seen any higher numbered issues, so until another turns up…), and I’m unaware of any other reprints of The Demon series in other K.G. Murray series, so it’s possible that only these 8 issues were reprinted, leaving the balance of 8 issues on the shelf. Then again, it’s also possible there are more scattered around in various other K.G. Murray series such as Terror Tales Album, or any number of one-shots.