Saturday, December 12, 2020

Star-Lord #1: The Yaffa edition

Yaffa's Star-Lord #1 has an indicia date 1978:

The cover and contents are drawn from the initial printing of Marvel Preview #11:

According to the GCD, the cover blurb on the initial printing of the cover was removed due to objections from Robert Heinlein. Consequently a corrected version of the cover was issued: 

The contents of the Page Publications edition are identical to the Marvel edition, with the following alterations:

1. The Jim Starlin illustration on the inside cover of the Marvel edition is reproduced on the rear cover of the Yaffa edition;

2. The inner cover of the Yaffa edition carries the Stan Lee resents Star-Lord feature;

3. The Second Launch! feature is omitted from the Yaffa edition, as are the letters pages.

A second issue in the series was published by Yaffa, based on the earlier Marvel Preview #4. Star-Lord #2 was recycled as an unnumbered issue, which is listed as Star-Lord #3 on the GCD. Presumably Star-Lord #1 was also recycled, however I have not seen a copy.

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