Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Amazing Spider-Man #3: The Newton edition

Newton Comics' The Amazing Spider-Man #3 was published 5 July 1975:

The cover is modified from Marvel's The Amazing Spider-Man #3:

The story contents are as follows:

Spider-Man Versus Doctor Octopus, originally published in The Amazing Spider-Man #3, July 1963

Trapped by the Carbon-Copy Man!, originally published in Journey Into Mystery #90, March 1963

If The Amazing Spider-Man #2 sent the series off the rails, this issue put things back on track. The template set in the previous issue - a Spider-Man lead feature with a Thor back-up story - was ratified in this issue, and the third issue in the series once again aligned with the cover and main feature of the third Marvel issue to reprint vintage comics. 

There is little to complain about in this issue in terms of fidelity to the source material. In fact, if anything, this issue overcompensates in this regard. The job code X-219 is omitted from the splash page to Spider-Man Versus Doctor Octopus, but that pales into insignificance given the original print of this story contains an embarrassing error: on page 8 Doctor Octopus refers to Spider-Man as Super-Man! This was corrected in subsequent reprintings but is intact in this edition:

Further, the Thor story Trapped by the Carbon-Copy Man! is a 13-page story but is presented as a 14-page feature in this issue courtesy of an introductory page:

This is a print of the front cover to Journey Into Mystery #90 without the Marvel logo and related bits, as per the Thor reprint in the previous issue.

The poster in this issue is an edited image from the cover of The Invincible Iron Man #76, July 1975 - an issue on the stands just months earlier.

This issue also carried in-house advertisements for The Avengers #1, The Fantastic Four #1 and The Incredible Hulk #2, and a subscription page for the five series available at the time. There was no letter column, and the contest on the rear cover did not contain an expiry date.

The Amazing Spider-Man #3 was advertised in the Sunday Observer 6 July 1975:

It was also advertised the following week 13 July 1975:

It was also the beneficiary of in-house advertising:

This is scanned from The Incredible Hulk #2.

This issue set the series on track in another sense: it was now a fully fledged fortnightly publication.

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